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Message par DPNI Dim 21 Oct 2007, 17:22

Pour répondre à toute interrogation sur mon pseudo, voici la fiche de présentation (en anglais) du mouvement ДПНИ sur wikipedia :

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The Movement Against Illegal Immigration (DPNI) (Russian: Движение против нелегальной иммиграции — ДПНИ) is a Russian far-right anti-immigrant organization. The organization is led by Aleksandr Belov (Potkin) a former member of ultra-nationalist Pamyat. Belov was a press spokesman for Pamyat's leader, Dmitry Vasilyev.

The Movement Against Illegal Immigration was created on July 10, 2002, in reaction to ethnic violence between residents of a Moscow's suburb and immigrants from the South Caucasus republics. The Movement Against Illegal Immigration have organized a number of anti-immigrant rallies throughout Russia. It also takes part in carrying out the annual Russian March, a Russian ethnic pride display and protest event.

Aside from mass protests the movement is active in organizing public pressure to support ethnic Russians in number of high profile court cases involving crimes committed by the immigrants. Despite its name in its protests the Movement Against Illegal Immigration also targets ethnic Chechens and some other minorities from the North Caucasus who are Russian citizens rather than immigrants.

The Movement Against Illegal Immigration is one of the more active far right political organizations in Russia with about 5000 members in 30 different regions.


Some liberal rights activists have filed complains with the Russian authorities and tried to ban the DPNI because they believe it is pursuing a fascist agenda, exemplified by slogans such as "Russia is for Russians!".[1]

Political Activity

In April 2007 former Rodina legislator Dmitry Rogozin announced the creation of a political party, the Great Russia Party, from the membership of the Congress of Russian Communities and the DPNI.

The DPNI has said it would like to see Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko become President of Russia in 2008. This is not possible under the Russian constitution, as Lukashenko is not a citizen of Russia. Regardless, Lukashenko rejected the offer in early 2007.[2]

Street Protest and Militia Activity

During riots in the northern Russian city of Kondopoga, in August-September of 2006, sparked by the murder of ethnic Russians by Chechen Muslims, the DPNI provided an up to the minute online coverage of the unfolding situation in response to what it saw as the media's "politically correct silence" about what was happening there.[3] DPNI representatives arrived in the town shortly after riots had commenced, and were able to largely control the flow of news and events in the absence of any reaction from local authorities or police. The DPNI, led by their leader Aleksandr Belov (Potkin), organized an "assembly" and advocated the deportation of Chechen and other migrants within 24 hours. Belov was later indicted for disturbing the peace.[4]

On 22 June, the DPNI provoked inter-ethnic fighting in the center of Moscow, near the Kremlin, according to Moscow city authorities, resulting in 42 arrests. DPNI leader Belov defended the action as having been provoked by ethnic groups from the Caucasus region (Chechens, etc.) who were dancing and conducting themselves loudly when prayers were to be conducted at the Monument to the Heroes of Plevna.[5] Estimates of participants in the fighting range from 50 to 200; other groups participating included the Slavic Union, the Russian Public National Union (RONS), and the "St. Georges" youth group ("георгиевцы").[6]

On 26 June 2007, the DPNI announced the formation of armed "People's Self-Defense" groups to defend "indigenous citizens" (a reference to ethnic Slav Russians) against "the aggressive actions of criminal migrants." The groups will be trained in hand-to-hand fighting and are required to obtain "legal hunting weapons and handguns."[7] In April 2005, the DPNI had announced creation of "mobile fighting groups", composed of cell networks of five persons each, whose members would have access to automobiles and legal weapons. The 2005 announcement cited a "possible worsening of the internal political situation in the Russian Federation and the likelihood of mass disorders and aggressive actions by foreign states."[8][9]

Sources of Support

Belov has claimed that the DPNI was supported during its first year of existence by the pro-Kremlin youth movement Nashi, but financing ceased once the DPNI rejected Nashi supervision. Belov's frequent appearances on Russian television, including state-controlled television, and media interviews probably indicate that some degree of Kremlin support continues.

J'ajoute que le DPNI est en contact avec divers groupes nationalistes, contre-révolutionnaires et catholiques ou chrétiens européens, notamment Forza Nueva (Italie) et le Renouveau Français via le Front National Européen.

J'ai choisi ce pseudo à la fois par sympathie pour le peuple russe et admiration pour ce mouvement nationaliste exemplaire.

Nombre de messages : 4

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Message par Mickaelus Dim 21 Oct 2007, 19:33

Bienvenue DPNI, et merci pour cette présentation qui nous renseigne sur le paysage politique russe ancré bien à droite (il ne manque plus que le rappel du Tsar !). S'il y a bien une chose à admirer, c'est la combattivité de certains mouvements qui fait souvent défaut chez nous et qui sera bien nécessaire si la situation tourne mal.

Sagittaire Chien
Nombre de messages : 2756
Age : 41
Localisation : Vendée
Affinités politiques : Royaliste, légitimiste, absolutiste, contre-révolutionnaire

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